Why get Involved?
We do not currently have a PTA (parent teacher association) but if you are interesting in becoming more involved in our school or starting a PTA please reach out to our principal or community coordinator.
Title I
We are a team dedicated to providing the highest quality service and support to eligible school communities under Title I Guidelines.Title I of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the largest federal assistance program in our nation’s schools. ESSA ensures that all children have significant opportunities to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on rigorous academic achievement standards.
Each school has a team made up of administrators, staff, and parents (Instructional Council). This team determines program needs based on data from state and district testing. Programs are required to align with the school’s Title I plan as well as the school’s 90-Day Plan.
How to Get Involved
Every school has funds allocated for parent engagement activities. By participating in these activities a parent can become more involved in the school’s educational goals and the educational outcomes for their child.
How does my school qualify for Title I funds?
Schools must be identified at 40% or higher economically disadvantaged in order to receive Title I funds.
How do I know if my child is receiving Title I services?
Parents need to contact their child’s teacher for specific information regarding individual student program services.
If my child changes schools, will my child continue to receive Title I services?
Only students at eligible Title I schools have access to services. Each school determines the criteria for identifying and providing services to students.